Thursday, August 27, 2009

Spouting off

Forgive me while I vent for just a few minutes. I just need to get this off my chest. I am tired of people going on and on about how little time they have. These are the people who usually respond to your latest comment with "I wish I had the time to do that!" The hidden message is that their tasks are much more important than yours. They intimate that they are indispensable, like the world would stop without their efforts. They are the same people who need to tell you how late they went to bed and how early they got up. They send you email messages at the strangest hours (when they find time to send them at all). If you ask me they do it to impress you with how late they are up finishing up their chores. They usually talk to you in the "you can't possibly understand" tone of voice. I have a little message for them...

I have been busy in my life, but I have known it was by my choice. No one dropped seven children on my porch. No one forced me to take college classes while I was raising them. If I would rather clean a closet at 2 am than sleep...well that was my choice also. When I was a social worker, cases would pile up, and we would sit in court hour after hour... I would teasingly say to our County Attorney- "Two weeks notice, and this isn't my problem any more." It was said in humor, but was also a reminder that I had a choice. I remember the day I sat next to the County Attorney during a heated court case, turned to her and smiled then said "In two weeks this isn't my problem any more." I had given my notice. I had finally come to the point that I was ready to spend my given 24 hours a day some other way If I had been stuck in that job because of debt or lifestyle- that would have been my choice also. Now I know that some people have challenges that require them to do things seemingly beyond their choice. I am not without compassion for those with family or health issues that limit their choices... still we all have some choices.

So dear readers, I truly understand if you are feeling overwhelmed. You have my sympathy if your energy is gone before your tasks are done. You are welcome to vent if that helps. But please... please... please don't make yourself feel better by assuming my time is less valuable or my tasks are less important. I would go on, but I am out of TIME.


adorable pearsons said...

ohhhh- I like 'venting mom.' And I totally agree with her too! I think I may be guilty of that 'never any time' excuse...when in reality it's b/c I am just too lazy!

Mike and Kelli said...

Hmmm....seems like I missed the story that was the inspiration for this post. If I had a blog I would write my parallel to this post titled "We Make Sacrifices!" When people ask if I work outside the home and I respond saying I stay home with my children, I often get one of the following responses, "Oh, must be nice," "Wow, you're lucky," or my personal favorite "What a luxury." And then it takes every ounce of self-control not to say "We make sacrifices so that I can stay home with my children. We budget. We don't by brand new cars or boats or plasma TVs. We live in my parents' house (thanks Mom and Dad!). My husband works VERY hard all year long. No it isn't a luxury and I'm not just lucky. It's a choice, one we feel is important and worth every sacrifice." I thoroughly enjoyed reading your vent and I 100% agree. We choose how to use our time. We choose how to spend our money. Hmmm...I'm pretty sure I should never start a blog. I would be too tempted to use it to reveal all my secret vent sessions. :)

Lott said...

It's about time you wrote this post (small giggle). We've discussed this very topic multiple times. I've been trying to think of something I could unleash on everyone, but I can't at the moment. If you look back through my blog, I know I've vented a few times.

I'd write more, but I just don't have the, I crack myself up!

Susan F. said...

Points of clarification...
So I may have come across a tad too strong. Nothing particular triggerd this, its just something that bothers me now and again. Also, I have no complaint with people venting about crowded schedules- its so much a part of life now. My issue is with people who seemed convinced that they have less time the you do... OR that their work is more important... OR that THEY are more important. That's all. I think the majority of people understand and appreciate most everyone struggles with balancing the demands on their time,